4. From Forgotten To Outstanding - Is Your Science Ofsted Ready?
In 2016 Sir Michael Wilshaw said Science was treated like `a poor relation`. His inspectors would `need to put as sharp a focus on Science as they do with English and mathematics.
Is the science in your school Ofsted ready?
This course will lead you by the hand from policy to implementation in the classroom, to make sure Science is as outstanding as it can be. During the day we will look at what the Science Lead needs to know to lead science successfully and explore strategies to share back in school to create excellent teaching and learning in the primary classroom and beyond. Participants will leave the session with digital resources to support the day.
As a result of this course, you will be able to:
Set up processes for managing, monitoring, and assessing science learning across the school in line with Ofsted criteria.
Create a vision for science improvement in your school and lead its development with confidence.
Discover what it means for learning to be Outstanding in science according to Ofsted and to achieve it in your school.
Discover new and creative ways to enrich and enhance your teaching of science in line with excellence practice.