Wellbeing for All - Positive Intelligence®
What is Positive Intelligence®?
PQ stands for Positive Intelligence Quotient. It measures your capacity to tame your negative, reactive thoughts and emotions and instead, use the calm, rational and positive part of your brain to deal with the challenges that life throws at you. A high “PQ” reflects a brain that is mentally fit and responds to life’s challenges with positive rather than negative mindset.

PQ has a solid scientific foundation built on Positive Psychology, Neuroscience, Cognitive Psychology and Performance Science as well as breakthroughs in technology.
If you were in full control of your mind, I bet you would choose to not stress out over what you can’t control, push away self-doubts, recover from disappointments immediately, and spend little time in anger, regret, or blame. Unfortunately, no one is in full control of their mind.
The good news though is that you can build powerful new muscles (scientifically known as neural pathways) in your brain, strengthening your positive mental muscles versus the negative.
Saboteurs (scientifically known as the limbic part of your brain) react to challenges in ways that generate negative emotions such as stress, disappointment, self-doubt, regret, anger, shame, guilt, or worry. They are different for every person, so it’s important to identify yours, which is part of the PQ training.
Your Sage (scientifically known as the prefrontal cortex part of your brain) handles challenges through positive emotions like empathy, gratitude, curiosity, creativity, self-confidence, and calm, clear-headed, laser-focused action.
Through daily PQ training, with systematic and coaching support, over an extended time period you essentially rewire your brain!
What are the benefits of boosting my PQ?
PQ training is often described as lifechanging! 500,000 participants from 50 countries - including hundreds of CEOs and their executive teams, Stanford students and world class athletes - shared the following results:
Performance - You perform better while working less hard.
Happiness - You feel less stressed, more peace, and consistent happiness, even in tough times.
Relationships - You improve relationships, and are able to handle conflicts in ways that deepen trust and harmony.
Why does PQ training work?
Our bad habits live in our minds in the form of neural pathways, or mental muscles, that automatically generate our old responses. To make real impactful change in your life, you need to fight muscle with muscle! By having systematic support for daily repetition of a new way, for an extended period of time, you create neural pathways/mental muscles that form the new habits. In other words, new mental muscles to fight the old. With the PQ system you rewire the brain and within 6-8 weeks you'd be able to see the results in MRI imaging:
Increased grey matter in the prefrontal cortex region of your brain, where your Sage lives.
Decreased grey matter in the limbic region of your brain, where your Saboteurs live.
What does the training entail?
Combining weekly video lessons, an exclusive app and coaching sessions, you are guided step-by-step over a six-week period to boost the three core muscles of mental fitness;
Saboteurs Interceptor Muscle
Sage Muscle
Self-Command Muscle

The app is the portal to the program contents. It contains:
The Modules - where the weekly one-hour course video is uploaded and stored. You have Saturday, Sunday and Monday to watch the video.
The Daily Focus – You do this every day on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. It includes:
A two-minute audio clip introduces the focus of the day.
Three two-minute guided PQ exercises are released throughout the day.
A journal exercise with short reflection questions is released at the end of the day.
The PQ Gym - containing PQ exercises of different lengths and with different focuses for anyone who wishes to do additional training.
Your Dashboard - to track your own progress.
The Community - a chat function for participants to share with each other.
The Audio Book - The first eight chapters of the accompanying book in audio book format.
In addition, once a week, you have a one-hour meeting in a group/private session with me (your PQ Coach™) to share and support you in your learning and progress.

In summary, how much time will this take out of my busy week?
1 hour weekly class video
1 hour weekly group/private coaching session
2 minute practice, 5 times/day = 10 minutes/day. For 4 days = 40 minutes/week
Weekly time investment total: 2 hours and 40 minutes for 6 weeks at your own pace.
You can also do additional training in the PQ Gym, and listen to the accompanying audio book, which is part of the app.
30 Day Money Back Guarantee
This programme has impacted many people's lives by supporting mental growth. I am so confident that it will positively impact your personal growth, relationships and work life, that if you attend all the pod sessions, watch the videos, use the app and do not see a difference, I will refund your money. All you would need to do is contact me within 30 days of starting the programme. You can register for our next Positive Intelligence® Boot Camp here.

See what some of our previous participants have said:
"The Positive Intelligence® program really supported my ability to manage conflict and stress in a calm, measured way. Confronting and silencing the saboteurs and living life through my sage has helped me to develop an empathy with myself and in turn allows me to empathise more deeply with others. This program is revolutionary and would be of great benefit to anyone. “ April 2023
“This has been one, if not the , most powerful and useful CPD opportunities that I have had and has impacted me personally and professionally. Being time short I had worried that this would be difficult to fit in, but with practise and determination along with the excellent support from Hester and the rest of the group (podlets) we were all able to support each other. Unlike other courses this one recognises that life is busy and shows how it can work without becoming another stress to manage. My only regret is not having come across it before. Thank you” April 2023
“This program has the potential to make a massive difference in all areas of people’s lives including, relationships, work, and home life. I think that anyone who commits to it will see a positive change and for some people that change will be massive and life changing. I thoroughly commend Hester as a facilitator, she has a lovely calm manner and listens thoughtfully and carefully creating a pleasant and fruitful environment for the work.” April 2023
"Yesterday was brilliant, Hester was so informative and inspiring we all really enjoyed it. I'm looking forward to the next sessions in June and I hope lots of people can attend.”
“An eye-opening and excellent way to better understand one’s own mind and responses and actions to others with much better potential outcomes, and clear actions and results that are a significant improvement on those that would have happened without the program. I would recommend to individuals and work groups looking to target better results and outcomes, including business and commercial groups.”
“Life has changed a lot since Positive Intelligence® came into my life. I had a base understanding of my mental health and how I struggle from other literature and sessions, but this experience has consolidated and added so much, and most importantly helped me to bring its practice into my daily life.”
“This program has changed my life; it has provided me with the tools to manage stress and anxiety meaning that I no longer fear the unknown but feel excited about my life as I know that I can cope with everything. Thank you.”
Are you ready for dramatically improved performance and productivity and a calm, clear and happier mind? Are you interested in our next free Introductory Workshop?
If so, then get in touch today:
Phone: 07896 101 106
Email: hester@educationguru.co.uk