Lesson Materials
We’re constantly developing new lesson ideas and teaching resources that will help you bring science to life in the classroom and promote well-being and emotional literacy. From games to creative projects, these materials have been designed to be interactive and engaging. Most importantly, they’ll help you teach science and well -being effectively while having a lot of fun.
We also know that teachers are busy people that need resources in a hurry, so all of our resources are in electronic format. This means you can use them straight away and also helps keeps the purchase price down.
If you would like to purchase one of Education Guru's digital resources please contact Education Guru at hester@educationguru.co.uk or phone 07896101106 and we can invoice your school for your chosen resource. Payment can be made by BACS or through Paypal. Please be aware that all lesson materials are owned by Education Guru and subject to copyright. This means that when you download a resource it can only be used by you in your classroom.
Recording and Assessing without the Exercise Book (E-Book) - £3.99
Over the years, Iʼve developed a range of alternative recording methods that allow children to express their knowledge and learning. These have been tried and tested in the classroom. This ebook outlines these methods, gently guiding the reader through each one.
I cover what each recording method looks like, the reason behind using it, some ideas on how to incorporate it into a lesson and how to use it to assess children.
My hope is that this ebook will show teachers that there are ways to record and assess science that are fun and creative and that generate enthusiasm in the classroom. Most importantly - they donʼt involve an exercise book.

Science Families - £3.99
A fun-filled game pack containing a set of 40 cards jam packed full of fascinating scientists and their often wacky inventions!
Each set of cards has a 'family' of inventions that are all connected in some way, e.g. the Microbiology family. The children's job is to collect a set and then find out who created them and how they are connected.
This pack can be used by all age groups and is an original way to start a lesson, or focus in on a scientist whilst having fun!

Stories & Poems to Support Creative Science - £3.99 per year group
Available for years 1 to 6. This resource has been designed to help bring creativity and the everyday science into your lessons by using stories and poems to enthuse your children. Each year group has five detailed lesson plans with a story or poem for each of the topics.

Creative Science Key Stage 1 Bundle (years 1 & 2) - £6.99
This resource has been designed to help bring creativity and the everyday science into your lessons by using stories and poems to enthuse your children . It includes the lessons for Year 1 and Year 2 in one bundle at a discounted price.Each year group has five detailed lesson plans with a story or poem for each of the topics.
Creative Science Key Stage 2 Bundle (years 3,4,5,& 6) - £12.99
This resource has been designed to help bring creativity and the everyday science into your lessons by using stories and poems to enthuse your children . It includes the lessons for Year 3,4,5 and 6 in one bundle at a discounted price. Each year group has five detailed lesson plans with a story or poem for each of the topics.
Creative Science Whole School Bundle - £18.99
This bumper saver pack contains all of the lesson plans and overviews for each year group to support the use of stories and poems in delivering creative science lessons. This resource uses stories and poems from well known authors such as Julia Donaldson and Michael Rosen to start off a science lesson and engage the children allowing them to see the connections between the science in the classroom and its application in the world around them.
This pack contains 30 lesson plans all in one place and can be shared with every class teacher. A saving of nearly £10!
Progression & Tracking Grid For Knowledge Key Stage 1 - £9.99
Progression & Tracking Grid For Knowledge Key Stage 2 - £9.99
A science tracking and progression grid. Education Guru have created an excel sheet that not only tracks each child’s achievements in their year group’s science but also shows you how these dovetail into Teacher Assessments that the Year 2 and Year 6 teachers have to report on. These handy tools can also help you, as a teacher, identify any gaps in your children’s knowledge and help you to differentiate.
Progression & Tracking Bundle KS1 & KS2 - £18.00
Buy both Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 Knowledge Progression and Tracking Grids for a discounted price.

Working Scientifically Tracker - £9.99
Education Guru's Progression & Assessment Tracking Grid for WORKING SCIENTIFICALLY Key Stage 1 & 2
This tracker helps you match the L.O. to the end of key stage assessments. It also does the number crunching to help you see what your children do and more importantly don't know. It also shows you how many children are on target and tracks progression between the year groups.