18. Computing In The Primary Science Classroom
Technology doesn`t need to be scary. This course highlights how technology can enhance your science lessons and develop your children`s `Working Scientifically` skills, such as measuring, observations, classifying and grouping, and recording, through the creative use of digital equipment. Using data loggers, digital microscopes, iPads, and various apps, you will be introduced to methods that develop creativity and excitement to your science lessons. Utilising technology helps children access science in the classroom and allows them to apply it to the world in which they live. There will be cross-curricular links to Maths, English, and Computing explored during the session.
As a result of this course, you will be able to:
Use technologies such as iPads, datalogging equipment and digital microscopes to develop your children`s `Working Scientifically` skills.
Understand how apps can be used to enthuse your children and help them make connections between science and their lives.
Create exciting and relevant science lessons using alternative technologies with cross- curricular links to other areas of the curriculum.
Share alternative recording methods with your children so they can show what they have learnt and the progress they have made.
Become aware of variety of free websites and Apps to support engaging science lessons.