We've collected a number of investigations all linked to eggs to get you into the Easter mood, here is the second part of our collection:
Egg freshness – how do we check an egg is fresh? Drop a fresh egg in water and it sinks , but drop an egg that has gone off into a glass of water and it floats. Demo this to the children and see if they can research why this happens. They can use this at home to check if an egg is safe to eat or not ? linked to Y4 compare and group materials together, according to whether they are solids, liquids or gases
Boiled or raw? – Take two free range eggs, one boiled & one raw still in their shells. Tell the children you can tell just by spinning the eggs which one is boiled and which one isn’t. Spin both eggs on the table and touch each one to make it stop and then quickly remove your finger. When you do this the raw egg will start to spin again . See if they children can research why. This science is a little beyond the KS2 curriculum but a good discussion around solids and liquids can be had.
Whose egg is this? Easter Egg hunt with a difference. Challenge your children to find as many different types of animals that come out of eggs. Some children will only think of a chicken egg when you talks about eggs so you could take some photos of different types of animal ‘eggs’ and hide them around the classroom or school yard. Images like frogspawn, reptile eggs like alligators, snakes, shark , fish turtles, insect eggs alongside a variety of wild birds egg images. The children need to find all the ‘eggs’ photos and then match them to a set of animal images that you have provided back on their desks or also hidden. They can research these animals and create a fact file on each one providing a cross curricular literacy link.
