“Outdoor Classroom Day is a global movement to make time outdoors part of every child’s day. On two days of action each year, teachers take children outdoors to play and learn. All year round, the Outdoor Classroom Day community campaigns for more time outdoors every day”
This year’s Outdoor Classroom Day’s fall on 18th May and the 2nd November - so what have you got planned for May? There is lots of great science that can be taken outdoors from Seasonal Changes in Year 1, Alive, Dead, never been alive in Y2, Rocks and Soils in Year 3, Habitats in Y4, Exploring Life Cycles in Year 5 and Classification in Y6.
AND its not just the Biology strand we can take outdoors – so much Physics from creating a scaled model of the solar system and exploring how shadows change through the day and across the year to lots of messy chemistry like alka seltzer rockets! The research backs up that learning taken outdoors really sticks. AND don’t forget the proven benefits to mental health that being outdoors brings.
Take a look at the Outdoor Classroom Campaign website for more ideas: https://outdoorclassroomday.org.uk/
or book yourself some outdoor learning CPD with Education Guru.
