In 2020 The Office for National Statistics reported 4,912 deaths by suicide registered in England and 285 registered in Wales. Public Health Information for Scotland reported 805 registered in Scotland in 2020. Each year World Suicide Preventation day aims to raise the awareness around suicide. This years theme is ‘Creating Hope Through Action’ Take a look at the International Association for Suicide Prevention's website for lots of resources to help support you raise awareness and find out more information.
Another excellent website to support men in particular, who form the largest number of suicides, is Campaign Against Living Miserably - CALM Share this with all the men in your life so they can share it with their friends, as we never know when someone may need this support.
As a certified Mental Health First Aid trainer and Positive Intelligence Coach, Education Guru offers courses to support mental fitness and highlight the warning signs of suicidal behaviour - get in touch to find out more: